No stream this summer!

Microwave is taking its annual summer break, Were back in September!


Every last Monday of the Month

Dogos is the meeting of Malheure and Maoui, two subWOOFer lovers based in Brussels, always enthusiastic about fetching good music. Both co-founders of collectives in Paris and Lille, we originally started this collaboration to pool our love for jumpy breaks and bass music that makes one wag their tail.

Since Dogos is all about dogs and music, and since Brussels is full of people walking their little furry friends, we thought of a series in which each podcast would be the “musical representation” of a dog we met in the streets or in a park. In other words, imagine their full pet-tential in music form.

As we are big suckers for breaks and bass music, it would be our musical baseline, but each dog would give a helping paw building the mix, gravitating throughout jazz, dub, minimal, ambient, etc.

Don’t hesitate to contact us on our barkline if you’d like your dog featured!

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